Lokaal fondsen werven

What is the aim of the Change the Game Academy?

Change the Game Academy aims at strengthening the capacity of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and non governmental organisations (NGOs) all over the world, but especially in low and middle income countries, to raise funds locally and to mobilise other kinds of support.  To achieve this, the present rules of the ‘development game’ need to be fundamentally transformed: whereas many CBOs and NGOs in the Global South are to a large extent dependent on foreign contributions, Change the Game Academy wants to put the responsibility for poverty alleviation where it ultimately belongs. That is: in low and middle income countries themselves. It wants to enable actors there to take up this responsibility, by strengthening their capacity to raise funds in country and to address local duty bearers.

What do we offer?

Change the Game Academy uses the blended learning approach: a combination of face to face courses, full e-learning courses, separate e-learning modules and toolkits and collective and individual coaching. E-learning courses, modules and toolkits are available worldwide. So are descriptions of inspiring cases and a library.

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Lokaal Fondsen Werven from Cheryl van Kempen